


What we've been up to...

intelligentgolf Workshop February 2020

Monday 2nd March 2020

On the 25th February we ran a free workshop for our customers.

We were delighted to have over 100 customers attend our workshop last week at The Warwickshire Golf and Country Club.  The day was split into two parts, with the morning covering various topics including new developments at intelligentgolf, business updates and new product releases.  The afternoon was a hands on workshop, with various stations covering our main product modules, staffed by our support team.  

Feedback was excellent, and we look forward to a repeat event later in the year.

Key Facts

Founded : 2000

CONGU License awarded : 2006

Customers : 800+

Employees : 24

Handicaps Managed : 160,188

Rounds of Golf: 7,754,227

Daily Logins : ~ 23,000

Web Pages served : ~ 20 million/month

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.
CONGU® is Copyright 2024 Council of National Golf Unions.