What we've been up to...
Monday 13th December 2021
Just some of the staff getting involved with their Christmas jumpers on above...(from left to right, Elliot (support), Charlotte (admin), Vanessa (GM), Jason (implementation), Andy (quality assurance) and Anton (website build)
Father Christmas snuck-in overnight and delivered Mince Pies and sweet treats to the IG office! Everyone looked very festive in their Christmas jumpers as we raised donations towards Save the Children UK.
Shout out to Dave Otton (in support) for knowing all 9 of Santa's reindeer in the Christmas Quiz!...can you name them?...
Key Facts
Founded : 2000
CONGU License awarded : 2006
Customers : 800+
Employees : 24
Handicaps Managed : 160,188
Rounds of Golf: 7,754,227
Daily Logins : ~ 23,000
Web Pages served : ~ 20 million/month