


What we've been up to...

Cyber Essentials Compliant

Wednesday 10th November 2021

Cyber Essentials compliance successfully achieved for the third year running....


Another successful Cyber Essentials certification for intelligentgolf, working closely with BC technologies.  

Cyber Essentials covers everything our business should do to protect itself from cyberattacks.  Simply being certified reduces our cyber risk by up to 98.5%. And, it’s a great way to demonstrate to our customers that we take cybersecurity seriously.


Key Facts

Founded : 2000

CONGU License awarded : 2006

Customers : 800+

Employees : 24

Handicaps Managed : 160,188

Rounds of Golf: 7,754,227

Daily Logins : ~ 23,000

Web Pages served : ~ 20 million/month

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.
CONGU® is Copyright 2024 Council of National Golf Unions.